Kismet Cacao

A bliss-enhancing sipping cacao

My Story


In the midst of what felt like a health-rock-bottom, I found cacao.

As a college student studying Nutritional Science, I remember relying on copious amounts of caffeine to get me out of bed each day. On one particular Saturday morning just before graduation, I got into my car to run my weekly errands. I arrived to my first stop and could hardly muster the energy to move from my seat. Feeling defeated and extraordinarily exhausted, I sat there in a parking lot full of people and sobbed in my car. Despite devoting myself to living a health-conscious lifestyle, I could hardly function after a full night of sleep without multiple cups of coffee or matcha. I realized at this moment that I had forgotten to take care of myself for too long. My hormones, my blood sugar, my natural energy & my mood had become fully dependent on the faux power of caffeine.

That next week, I decided to experiment with a week without coffee and matcha in hopes that I might regain some relief from my unbearable exhaustion. To my surprise, by the end of the week my mood had stabilized, my digestion improved, my skin cleared, anxiety subsided, and best of all, I started to feel my own energy again. That week shifted me in so many new ways. I felt empowered to make a commitment to my healing & step back into my power. As a replacement to caffeine, I created warm, latte-like beverages that would leave my body feeling supported and nourished rather than depleted and dependent.

With a history of loving all things chocolate, I began preparing what I call, “cacao tonics”. These tonics filled my soul in a way that felt incredibly indulgent, cozy & nourishing. I became endlessly curious about where I could find the highest-quality cacao in the world to work with.

That quest introduced me to the extensive and beautiful history, origin, and traditions of cacao. This plant was more than just the chocolate most of us know today. Cacao has been a deeply cherished plant ally of many cultures for centuries before us. The very first time I had the privilege of sipping true cacao made from Peruvian cacao paste, my world changed. It was an experience that changed my mind, heart, and spirit. Since that moment nearly three years ago, I’ve consumed cacao on a daily basis as my energy has restored, feeling more like myself than ever before. While I can’t say that cacao healed my physical symptoms, I believe that it held space for the time of healing and supported my body through the process.

I share my story with you in hopes that cacao may have the chance to meet you exactly where you are, too. This tonic exists to serve you. In a world of over-stimulation that constantly asks us to do more and be more, cacao reminds us of the simplicity of nature all around us and within. Made with intention and the highest quality, so that you may experience the bliss that I’ve come to know and love. Kismet Cacao was made with you in mind and I hope that it nourishes you well.

with love,
